هواشناسیHequ, چین
Rain Late
Partly cloudy skies early then becoming cloudy with periods of rain late. Low 16C. Winds SSW at 15 to 25 km/h. Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall near 6mm.
Partly cloudy skies early then becoming cloudy with periods of rain late. Low 62F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall near a quarter of an inch.
- طلوع آفتاب: 06:20 am
- غروب آفتاب: 06:37 pm
- احتمال بارندگی: 99 %
- رطوبت: 83
- سرعت باد: 18 km/h 11 mph
- حهت باد: SSW
- شاخص فرابنفش: 0
- نمایه گرما: 23°C 72.7°F
- بارش: n/a
- فشار هوا: 29.95 mb
- میزان دید: 16 km 10 mi